Betty Ofori-Atta was precocious, fun-loving and kind. Her life was cut short while crossing the street on a school field trip.
Her life could have been saved if proper medical care was available. She was taken to four different hospitals in Ghana. Unfortunately, most of the hospitals did not have life support machines, defibrillators or CAT(CT) scans.
The Betty Ofori-Atta Foundation hopes to prevent further tragedies such as this by purchasing these vital life saving equipments and making them available for hospitals in Ghana, West Africa.
Our long term goal is to build a Trauma center because there are no Trauma centers in Ghana.
The Betty Ofori-Atta Foundation is a public benefit charity under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Your generous donation is FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Our First Radio Interview OnWPKN-89.5 FM
Wednesday March 5, 2008 (.mp3)